The aim of the Nordic Society for Tourism and Hospitality Research (NORTHORS) is to provide a platform for academic debate and development in the field of tourism and hospitality in the Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – and surrounding areas, seen in a wider European and global context.
The aim of the Nordic Society for Tourism and Hospitality Research (NORTHORS) is to provide a platform for academic debate and development in the field of tourism and hospitality in the Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – and surrounding areas, seen in a wider European and global context.

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NORTHORS focuses on the development of tourism and hospitality research and research training. Beyond the promotion of collaboration between the Nordic partners, NORTHORS also has an international orientation. It aims at making the Nordic research visible in the international arena and encourages international participation on the symposiums and other events organized by NORTHORS.
NORTHORS has a moderated mailing list that is also open to non-members. Most messages concern events and call for papers, but also information on publications and job opportunities occur on a regular basis. To access the mailing list, please write to NORTHORS secretary Andreas Skriver Hansen.
It aims at making the Nordic research visible in the international arena and encourages international participation on the conferences, organized by NORTHORS.